West Asia Trading & Engineering Pte Ltd

Importers, Exporters, Engineering Works, Manufacturers Representative & Commission Agent

No. 1 Kim Keat Lane Singapore 328858  Tel: +(65) 6250 5676  Fax: +(65) 6252 9890

E-mail: westasia@singnet.com.sg




P & B Digital Protection Relays



*  Motor Protection Relays

*  Microvision Series

*  Generator Protection Relays

*  Supervision Series

*  Transformer/Feeder Protection Relays



Motor Protection Relays

P & B design and manufacture a comprehensive range of MOTOR protection relays and controllers.

Product overview
The MPR10 is DIN Rail mounted. The MPR3E5 is Draw out and has multi-channel RTD temperature options. The MPR 2000 has current, voltage and temperature protection functions and the MPC 2000 adds control. The MVD is the newest relay and is the Draw-out version of the Motorvision series. See the MICROVISION and SUPERVISION series for details on MOTORVISION (MV2) and MICROMOTOR.

All microprocessor relays are fitted with an RS485 port - some have a 232 port. P&B relays support Network Gold, MODBUS RTU. The IP&C relays also support Profibus.




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Transformer / Feeder Protection Relays

P&B has developed a wide range of Transformer/Feeder protection relays and controllers.

Product overview
For three phase O/C & E/F look at the Draw out MRI-IE or FEEDERVISION/MICRO-FEEDER for Non Draw out Protection Controllers. Transformer Differential (MRTD or MIRD-T), Restricted Earth Fault (MREF), Earth/Ground fault (MR-IE, MRI-E, MRI-EX & MSP-E), Voltage (MSP-V, MRVT, MSP-UV & MSP-OV), and Auto Reclose (MRAR) is available from the MR range.

The VTm is a Patented version of Feedervision that gives the user a Voltage Times multiplier reference to the normal O/C and E/F Standard, Very & Extremely Inverse characteristics. This makes a relay that is ideal for Utility closed ring applications.





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Generator Protection Relays

A full range of Multifunction and single function Generator Protection Relays are available.

Product overview
The range includes Biased Differential (MRDG & MIRD-G), Voltage Restrained O/C (MRI-V), Field Failure (MRFF), Negative Phase Sequence (MRNS), G59 Mains Failure (MRMF), Check Syncronising (MSP-CS), Reverse Power (MRRP), Neutral Voltage Displacement (MIRV-NVD) and various Voltage relays from the MSP & MRVB family of Draw out Protection Relays.





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Microvision Series

The Microvision Range provides low cost Motor and multi curve Transformer Feeder Protection and Control. Five digital inputs and three relay outputs are fitted. The Micro-Motor can through a separate CT module accept direct connection from Motor starter circuits rated up to 15 Amps.

Product Benefits
Microvision is Din Rail Mounted has a two line LCD display and a RS232 port for setting up. Serial Communication is via RS485 and the unit can be supplied with P&B Network Gold, PROFIBUS & MODBUS RTU Protocols.



Designed to fit into the smallest half width LV starter trays currently used today. It comes with a separate CT box or integral CT card
that allows direct connection to smaller motors in the range 1 to 15 Amps FLC. This relay can be supplied without a display in a back of panel DIR rail case or flush mounted with a two line LCD display as shown above.

96 x 96 x 110mm deep
Setting flexibility is achieved through the application of the Smart Card
option or through the RS 232 port on the front of the unit.




Provides a low cost solution to Feeder and Transformer Feeder Intelligent Protection & Control.
It supports Normal, Very, Extremely and Definite time IEC characteristics.

With a separate CT box the size is 196x96x110mm deep. With an integral CT the case size is 144x96x110 deep.

The optional Smart Card stores settings and historical data like Hours in Service - In Total and this close. This information can be transferred to another / replacement unit if desired. This unique feature takes away the difficulty of maintaining data and settings between units. It can also be used as an aid to commissioning particularly if several circuits have identical settings.



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Supervision Series



Motorvision MV2

Motorvision is for the Protection, Monitoring and Control of LV & MV Voltage Contactor or Circuit Breaker controlled Motors.

This unique product range has a fully graphical display that can display the Motor starting characteristic. The advanced PCB surface mount technology supports Current and Voltage measurement with optional Temperature measurement, disturbance recording, time stamping and Smart Card.

Motorvision is modular and can have 3 output relays and 5 digital inputs or 4 outputs and 12 inputs. An optional 4-20 mA output can be selected scaled for example for Motor Load, Power or Real Power.

The starting Characteristic, a reference start for comparison and when enabled any Disturbance Recording capture can be viewed on the display.

This Intelligent Protection & Control device comes complete in a DIN standard case measuring only 144 x 96 x 110mm.





Intelligent Protection & Control for the more important Motors.

Advanced Motorvision comes complete in a DIN standard case measuring 192 x 96 x 110mm. Its Modular concept allows the user to take advantage of all the standard MOTORVISION features and add the following options:-

§         Trip Circuit Supervision.

§         Back spin Protection

§         Three Phase VT card

§         Temperature card with 4 or 8 RTD inputs.

§         Extra Relay card with an additional 4 output relays.

§         Extra Digital input card with an additional 12 Digital inputs.





This Intelligent Protection & Control relay provides three phase O/C & E/F or two phase O/C & E/F plus Standby Earth Fault. The relay supports various IEC characteristics as well as TIME STAMPING, DISTURBANCE RECORDING and can be supplied with a Smart Card.

Disturbance recording can be viewed on the relays fully graphical display or through its RS232 serial output. It provides a range of protection functions including Current, single or three phase Voltage and Frequency and can be supplied with the following options:-

§         Trip Circuit Supervision

§         Breaker Fail Protection

§         Extra Relay card with an additional 4 output relays.

§         Extra Digital input card with an additional 12 Digital inputs.



Is the name given to a Feedervision relay with an extra Relay Card and/or an extra Digital Input card fitted.





This product is designed for use as part of an Auto Changeover Scheme.

Four Advanced Feedervision relays are required to complete the scheme - two to Protect and Control the incoming feeders and one for the Bus Section and one to handle the logic.

The four relay AFV 2 scheme is to our knowledge the lowest cost Auto Changeover Scheme available on the market today. It complies with the normal logic required by the Exxon, IOCL, BPCL & Reliance Oil Auto Changeover Schemes.





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½ Home ½ Electrical Test Equipment ½ Medical Electrical Safety Analyser ½ Precision Test Equipment ½ Motor Protection Relays ½ Level Controller ½

½ Cable Locator ½ Electromotors ½ Generators ½ Safety Interlocks ½ Switchgear ½ Transformer ½ AC Voltage Stabilisers ½ Load Banks ½

½ Laboratory Power Supply ½ Power Transmission Equipments ½ Transformer Oil Filtering Machine ½ Fuse Links ½ Cutouts ½

½ Gas Leak Detector ½ Cable Jointing Kit ½ Filter Element ½ Vibration & Pneumatic Controls ½




West Asia Trading & Engineering Pte Ltd

No. 1 Kim Keat Lane

Singapore 328858

Tel: +(65) 6250 5676

Fax: +(65) 6252 9890

E-mail: westasia@singnet.com.sg